Lesson series

Introduction to Build Design and Construction series 1 -12HOURS (12 CPD)

In the building industry, because of the changes in sociology, the changes in technology, the changes in commerce, the changes of building codes, bylaws, and regulations, the demands to make buildings serve more purposes, last longer, and require less upkeep than ever before have become ever-increasing.
As these demands increase, so does the amount of knowledge necessary for building professionals to meet them.
This 12 hour online course will go through a series topics and provide insights to residential builders, architects, designers, real estate agents and building professionals:
•Review the design and/or construction project life cycle, major types of construction, selection of professional services
•Know what is the design and/or construction project management and trends in modern management
•Learn strategic planning and project Programming, design and construction as an integrated system
•Discuss innovation and technological feasibility, innovation and economic feasibility
•Review design methodology and learn functional design
•Review labor productivity and factors affecting job-site productivity.
•Understand labor relations in construction and costs associated with constructed facilities
•Learn approaches to cost estimation and type of construction cost estimates.
•Review project life cycle and economic feasibility. Comprehend basic concepts of construction evaluation.
By the end of the in-depth course, learners will have a better understanding of the topic and gain more knowledge
The goal of the presentation is NOT to elaborate on the details but to educate the learners on how to work effectively for a better outcome.