Lesson series


Part 1, Theory (200 credits)
Compassion is “helping those who are hurting.”
Compassion begins with sympathy, which is seeing someone’s pain. It is noticing a student
who skins his knee or a friend who hurts her arm. It is being alert to a weary co-worker or a stranger who needs assistance.
Compassion also includes empathy, which is feeling someone’s pain. Once you notice an
injury, empathy means you imagine how much it hurts. This creates a feeling of duty,
responsibility, and sometimes urgency to help find a remedy.
This brings us to the full meaning of compassion, which is doing something to relieve
someone’s pain. It is not enough to see needs and feel badly for those who are hurting.
Compassion means getting involved, investing in others, and finding ways to “bear
someone’s burden” in order for healing to occur.
I Will:
1. Notice when others are hurting.
2. Stop to help.
3. Take time to listen.
4. Do what I can.
5. Be kind, regardless of differences.
Discussion Starters:
 When have you been sick or injured? How did others help you?
 What does it mean to be a good neighbor; when you see someone in need?
 How can you show compassion to someone who is being picked on, teased, bullied,
or harassed by other students?
 Sometimes compassion means showing tough love.; What do you think this means?
Can you think of an example?

Part 2, Self Evaluation + Peer Evaluation (800 credits)
for 8 times, 6 hours/time coaching on the first Saturdays of each month plus self + peer evaluation during the 8 months

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