Lesson series



Part 1, Theory (200 credits)
Creativity is “thinking about a situation, a task, or an idea in a new way”.
Creativity means finding a new or different way to view a situation or accomplish a task.
Often a new idea combines different parts of already existing ideas into something new.
For example, a baking recipe may have a few of the same ingredients in both cookies and
bread but when you combine those ingredients with a few other different ingredients, you
get different results. A creative person looks for different and better ways to make or
accomplish good things.
I Will:
1. Use my talents for good.
2. See things from more than one perspective.
3. Use principles to make decisions and solve problems.
4. Learn all I can.
5. Look for new ways to do things.
Discussion Starters:
 What does it mean to make a decision based on your principles?
 How are you going to practice creativity today?
 What is a good way to remind yourself to take a step back from a situation and find
a new perspective?

Part 2, Self Evaluation + Peer Evaluation (800 credits)
for 8 times, 6 hours/time coaching on the first Saturdays of each month plus self + peer evaluation during the 8 months

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