Lesson series



Part 1, Theory (200 credits)
Patience is “waiting without getting upset.” Some things just take time—like growing up,
traveling from one place to another, or learning something new. A patient person responds to these situations with a positive outlook and attitude. This includes trying new approaches and “pushing through” in order to overcome obstacles.
Patience is a necessary part of life. Instead of getting frustrated when you face a difficult
situation, patience helps you respond the right way—without getting upset or losing your
temper. This makes everyone’s life better at school, at home, while driving in the car, or
when checking out at the grocery store.
I Will:
1. Wait my turn.
2. Not complain when I don’t get my way.
3. Accept what cannot be changed.
4. Use my time wisely.
5. Try and try again.
Discussion Starters:
 What are some times you have to wait with patience? Can you name five specific
examples from school or home?
 Think about the examples you just gave. What about these situations can you
control? What is out of your control?
 What is the opposite of patience? (complaining, nagging, griping, fussing) What
does this accomplish? How does complaining affect your attitude?
 How do you think patience can help you in life?
Part 2, Self Evaluation + Peer Evaluation (800 credits)
for 8 times, 6 hours/time coaching on the first Saturdays of each month plus self + peer evaluation during the 8 months

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