Lesson series



Part 1, Theory (200 credits)
Tolerance is “showing respect for others who are different than me”
The word tolerance comes from the Latin verb tolerare, meaning “to bear.” To bear
something means to carry a weight or to continue on in the face of pain or irritation. There are two times in particular when tolerance is very important—one is looking past character flaws and bearing with those who irritate you, the other is being respectful and
understanding of the differences between people. Tolerance towards others can be difficult.
Sometimes it means being kind and respectful to the people who are really irritating. Being tolerant does not mean you must accept disrespectful or bad attitudes. But being a tolerant person does mean encouraging good character in others and yourself.
I Will:
1. Listen to others.
2. Remember that not everyone is the same.
3. Look for ways to connect with others.
4. Know the difference between what is popular and what is right.
5. Help others, and myself, grow.
Discussion Starters:
 Have you ever been in a situation where someone got angry with you because you
disagreed with them? How did it feel?
 How do you think tolerance can help you in school and at home?
 Describe a time you listened carefully and tried to understand someone else’s
perspective before reacting.
 What are some ways to evaluate if something is right or just popular?
Part 2, Self Evaluation + Peer Evaluation (800 credits)
for 8 times, 6 hours/time coaching on the first Saturdays of each month plus self + peer evaluation during the 8 months